Competency 10 - Identifying My Emotions and Stress

Transforming Conflict into Growth:

Emotional Competencies: Emotional Awareness

Specific Competency: Identifying emotions and stress - Recognising specific emotions and stressors within yourself.

Statement: While understanding emotions and stress (Competency 9) involves grasping the general concept and factors behind emotional experiences, identifying emotions and stress (Competency 10) is about pinpointing and naming your own specific emotions and stressors. Think of it like understanding how bread is made versus actually baking a loaf yourself.

Part A: Start By Yourself

Objective: Develop the skill of identifying your emotions and stress by recognising specific emotions and stressors within yourself.


A) Start by Yourself:

  • Take a moment in silence with a pen and paper. Reflect on a recent situation that elicited a strong emotional response. What specific emotions did you experience? What were the exact factors that caused stress?
  • Write down the situation, the specific emotions you felt (e.g., anger, joy, anxiety), and the specific stressors involved. Use precise language to describe your emotions and stressors.
  • Reflect on how your strengths from Competency 1 (Self-Knowledge), critical thinking skills from Competency 2 (Critical Thinking), positive self-evaluation from Competency 3, mindful awareness from Competency 4, impulsivity management from Competency 5, goal achievement skills from Competency 6, responsible choice-making from Competency 7, creative problem-solving from Competency 8, and understanding emotions and stress from Competency 9 can support your ability to identify your emotions and stress.

B) Use Tools for Identification:

  • Use tools like emotion wheels or charts to help identify specific emotions. Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions can be particularly helpful in pinpointing exact feelings.
  • Practice mindfulness techniques to become more aware of subtle emotional cues and stress triggers.

C) Take It Further:

  • Practice regular self-check-ins. Throughout the day, pause to identify what specific emotions you are feeling and any stressors present. This practice can help you become more attuned to your emotional landscape.
  • Use a journal to document specific emotions and stressors. Reflect on any patterns or recurring themes.


  • Be specific when identifying emotions. Instead of general terms like "bad" or "good," use precise words like "frustrated," "elated," or "nervous."
  • Recognise that accurately identifying emotions and stressors is the first step towards managing them effectively.
  • Use your identified strengths to support your emotional identification process.


  • Enhances emotional clarity and self-awareness.
  • Improves emotional regulation and stress management.
  • Facilitates effective communication of emotions.

Part B: Share with Pairs, Family, or Friends

Objective: Develop the skill of identifying your emotions and stress together by recognising specific emotions and stressors as a group.


A) In Pairs or Groups:

  • Gather with your partner, family, or friends. Each person should share a recent situation that elicited a strong emotional response. Discuss the specific emotions experienced and the exact factors that caused stress.
  • Offer support and validation to each other. Use your strengths from Competency 1, critical thinking from Competency 2, positive self-evaluation from Competency 3, mindful awareness from Competency 4, impulsivity management from Competency 5, goal achievement skills from Competency 6, responsible choice-making from Competency 7, creative problem-solving from Competency 8, and understanding emotions and stress from Competency 9 to support each other's ability to identify emotions and stress.

B) Make It Supportive:

  • Create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing specific emotions without judgement. Encourage active listening and empathy.
  • Use tools like emotion wheels to help identify and discuss specific emotions. Recognise that emotions can be complex and multifaceted.
  • Practice stress-relief activities together, such as deep breathing, meditation, or going for a walk. Discuss how these activities impact specific emotions and stressors.

Reflect Together:

  • After sharing and discussing specific emotions and stressors, reflect on what you learned about emotional identification. Discuss how the strategies used can be applied to other areas of life.
  • Encourage each other to use strengths from Competency 1, critical thinking skills from Competency 2, positive self-evaluation from Competency 3, mindful awareness from Competency 4, impulsivity management from Competency 5, goal achievement skills from Competency 6, responsible choice-making from Competency 7, creative problem-solving from Competency 8, and understanding emotions and stress from Competency 9 to effectively identify emotions and stress in the future.
  • Reflect on the importance of accurately identifying emotions and stressors for effective emotional regulation and stress management.


  • Foster a supportive and non-judgmental atmosphere during emotional identification discussions and activities.
  • Be open to feedback and suggestions from others.
  • Celebrate each other’s progress and efforts in identifying emotions and stress.


  • Promotes mutual understanding and support.
  • Enhances emotional intelligence and resilience.
  • Strengthens relationships through shared emotional awareness and growth.

Join the Journey By integrating these competencies into your daily life, you can improve your mental health, build stronger relationships, and better handle life's challenges. Stay tuned for the next set of emotional competencies!

Want to take it further, reach out and let's talk ;-)

Let'st work together, book me or my team for coaching, keynotes, training and consulting.

In the meantime,

Take care,


PS: click here for the free mental fitness app that might change your life and your relationships

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